Saturday, February 14, 2009

St. Valentine's Day

Ah, Saint Valentine's Day. The day where couples nationwide decide to, in a multitude of ways, to express their affection for each other. Whether it be by card, expensive dinner, expensive gift, or emoticon or cute text message, the romanticism is palpable.

What a crock of shit.

Side note, it took me approximately 2.2 posts to stop being family-friendly, although if memory serves correctly, I may have mentioned the word "whore" before, so who knows. I'll try to keep it clean wherever possible, but hey, this is the internet... if I'm the worst thing your kid read today, you should be eternally grateful.

I really don't have any new argument as to why St. V-Day is a horror - it's commercialized, awkward, insincere, etc.

All I know is, without fail, this damned holiday seems to mark a bad time in my life, and magnifies the utter sucktitude of life in general. Those who are coupled up are either flaunting their seemingly perfect relationships, or dreading the day with a passion that just doesn't seem to actually exist in their relationship itself.

Myself, I've never had a steady girlfriend... I've had unsteady girlfriends... that's always fun. But I've never had a significant other around this time of the year. Which, coincidentally, has its ups and downs.

No need to buy gifts
No need to be insincere romantically
No need to compare your happiness to those around you

No one to care for
No one to have a potential romantic interest in
No potential to even have a comparison with the happiness around you because O HAI YUR SINGLE

A little exaggerated, but it happens.

Honestly, I have a lot more reasons to be aggrivated besides the fact that it's one of my least favorite holidays today, but it seems to be the cherry on top of the "Pile O' Shit Sundae" that I've been forced to consume the past few weeks.

(Here is where I was going to put a picture of a shit sundae, photoshopped or otherwise. Luckily for all of us, my Google Image Search decided to keep the SafeSearch on, and I have thought twice about said picture. We are all better off for this.)

I like to think of myself as an average guy. A little more socially awkward than average, but I get by. It must be my good looks and my ability to follow up good first impressions (As we see here, it's obviously not my sense of sarcasm). But I've never seemed to be in the position to have a steady relationship, let alone one that would make it to Valentine's Day. Does that make me a bitter hater? Sure. But I would like to think that most people (especially guys) have grown out of this whole "Valentine's Day is a great day for loving" thing. If you truly love someone, you don't need a day. Especially one that isn't your anniversary.

Now get your cutesy ass relationship activities out of my face before I take that Build-A-Bear you made for your significant other, and I turn it into a diagram of what the upcoming crime scene will look like (Note: lots of plush, and complete seperation of limbs).


Oh wait, this is supposed to be a sports blog, isn't it? O SHIT O SHIT O SHIT HAI GUYS DID U HERE JERMAINE O"NEAL IS A HEAT NOW

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